Instructions to the authors



Challenges in radioactive waste management

The format for writing summaries in A4 format and detailed instructions can be downloaded here.

You can send abstracts via the registration form during registration and before or after registration to the e-mail address When submitting your abstract, please indicate your preferred form of presentation (oral presentation, poster presentation or whatever).

The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 22 January 2025. Based on the submitted abstracts, the Scientific Committee will decide on their acceptance and send a notification to the author by 10 February 2025. All accepted papers received by the deadline and written in accordance with the writing instructions will be published in the collection of abstracts.

All participants of the symposium will receive a certificate of participation.

Svi sudionici Simpozija dobit će potvrdu o sudjelovanju

Hrvatska liječnička komora kategorizirala je i bodovala simpozij:
– za aktivno sudjelovanje 10 bodova
– za pasivno sudjelovanje 8 bodova

Hrvatska komora zdravstvenih radnika bodovati će svoje članove

Strukovni razred za zdravstvenu radiološko-tehnološku djelatnost:
– za aktivno sudjelovanje 12 bodova
– za pasivno sudjelovanje 9 bodovaa